Ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis)
Ring-billed bull with a herring gull (Larus argentatus) in the background.
Ring-billed gulls are winter migrants in Massachusetts. By spring many will be back in their breeding grounds in the inland areas of the northern United States and southern Canada, near freshwater. Although I spotted these birds near the coast, ring-billed gulls are, in fact, the gulls you’re most likely to see far away from coastal areas. They are fairly comfortable around humans and frequent parking lots, beaches and fields. They are highly opportunistic and often scavenge in garbage dumps and other places where food scraps may be available. Like most gulls, ring-billed gulls are primarily scavengers but they can also forage using a variety of behaviors, including walking, wading, swimming, and flying, and frequently catch fish, crabs, insects, worms, or rodents. When they are found in coastal areas, ring-billed gulls tend to remain close to shore in estuaries, beaches, mudflats, and beaches, rather than venturing far out to sea.
3 thoughts on “Ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis)”
Where did you see these birds?
These photos were actually taken last year around this time up in Newburyport along the Merrimack River. But I’ve seen them on Cape as well.
Thanks Debbie. I’m glad it was helpful. Those three are probably the most common, but we can also get Bonaparte’s Gulls, Little Gulls, Lesser Black-backed Gulls, and Glaucous Gulls in the winter (i.e. non-breeding season), and Laughing Gulls in the summer (i.e. breeding season).
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