Pumpkin Party
Although most people are deep in a Christmas planning mode right now, we’ve just finished up a late fall pumpkin party in our backyard.
What do you do with your old Halloween pumpkins? Typically we just toss them in our compost bin, but this year after cutting the pumpkin in half to expose the seeds inside, we set it out in our back woods and trained our trail camera on it to see who would come to partake. Over a few weeks in November and December the pumpkins had the following visitors: eastern gray squirrels, lots of mice, American crows, Carolina wrens, song sparrows, northern cardinals, and raccoons. Check out the video below to see some examples.
Some video highlights:
0:35: gray squirrel bowling for crows
1:30: raccoon decides it would taste better after getting its whole self in the pumpkin
Have you ever noticed any of your backyard friends nibbling on your old pumpkins?