
Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Elise Leduc, I live on Cape Cod, and try to spend as much of my free time outside as possible and to learn as much as I can about what I’m seeing. I started this blog as a way to document my explorations and discoveries, and hopefully share a bit of this information with others.
After an in-depth conversation with a friend about what my passions in life were, I realized that I was the happiest when I was outside, exploring and learning about nature: discovering an interesting new insect, learning that plants I’ve seen my whole life were actually edible (and delicious!), finding an interesting shell washed up in the wrack line on the beach, or exploring hidden wild places tucked away on an otherwise very crowded island (thanks to some industrious canal builders, that’s exactly what Cape Cod is now). In this blog I’ll share these things and more, as I continue to explore Cape Cod, and other far flung places when I travel. Enjoy.