Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Sanderlings are medium sized sandpipers and have fairly distinctive nonbreeding plumage: white belly and breast with grey back and wings, paler than any other shorebird, with a blackish mark at their shoulder. Since their breeding plumage is lost before their return to Cape Cod’s coast, it’s unlikely that you would see a sanderling’s breeding plumage (reddish head and breast) here. Their Latin name is actually derived from their unique light coloring. The genus name Calidris comes from the ancient Greek word kalidris, a used by Aristotle to described some grey-colored waterside birds, while the species name alba is Latin for “white”.
In their wintering grounds, they gather in loose flocks to probe the sand of the wave-washed portions of beaches searching for marine invertebrates to eat. To constantly have access to an area of sand that the waves have just retreated from (bringing invertebrates near the surface) without getting tumbled in the waves themselves, sanderlings are constantly running back and forth in a perpetual wave chase. Their prey includes small crabs, amphipods and other small crustaceans, polychaete worms, mollusks, and horseshoe crab eggs. They will also eat flying insects, such as crane flies, midges, mosquitoes, beetles, butterflies, and moths, if available.
Have you spotted sanderlings or any other winter shorebirds yet?
5 thoughts on “Sanderling (Calidris alba)”
Did you take the photos? They are excellent.
Yes. But not with my iPhone, which is what I use to take most of the photos on the website. These photos were actually taken in Falmouth in October 2012, when I had the opportunity to borrow a much nicer camera. I’d noticed sanderlings were showing up on our beaches again and I went looking back in my photo archives to see if I had anything suitable to use and found these.
Yep! I recently spotted a flock of 250+ Sanderlings on a beach here in coastal southern Maine. Also plenty of Dunlin foraging on the mudflats at low tide. It won’t be long before Purple Sandpipers arrive…
Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flock of sanderlings quite that big. While the outer Cape has fairly expansive beaches, Bourne and Falmouth (where I spend most of my time) have pretty small/short areas of sandy beach, perhaps limiting flock size?
Quite possibly… in any case, they are a joy to watch!
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