White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra)
Its turtle-like appearance is not, however, the reason this is one of my favorite wildflowers. My attraction to this plant stems from its interaction with its pollinators. Bumblebees (Bombus sp.) frequent this plant, but due to the small opening presented by the overhanging upper lip of the snapdragon-like flowers, they must force their way into the stiff flowers to reach the plentiful nectar at the base. As the bumblebee pushes its way little-by-little into the flower, the pulsating of the bee’s body gives the appearance that the turtlehead shaped flower is chewing and swallowing the bee, until the bee is completely hidden inside of the flower. Watch a bit longer and it will appear as if the flower spit the bee back out, unharmed by all this “chewing” but generously dusted with pollen to carry to the next plant.
Although less showy in the spring and early summer, when the flowers have not yet bloomed, turtlehead is the one of the main host plants of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas phaeton). Broods of the Baltimore checkerspot caterpillar will feed in a communal web on the plant until autumn and then hibernate on the dead stems overwinter. The adults rarely visit the plant other than to deposit eggs.